A few hours later I start to get hungry so it is time to provide my body with more nourishment and a ton of nutrient dense vitamins and minerals. So I make myself a fruit smoothie filled with the best ingredients. I overload it with tons of great stuff, so I know my body will be able to use what it needs:
Rebecca's Smoothie Recipe:

Matcha Green Tea powder
Macro Greens Superfood powder
Miracle Reds Superfood powder
Clark's Minerals
Diatomaceous Earth
Miracle II Neutralizer liquid
Nutiva Hemp protein powder
*Fruit Punch Koolaid (sweetened with Stevia)
*Honestly this is the worst thing in my kitchen. We use the koolaid packets and add filtered water and stevia to sweeten. I don't drink it plain (I prefer water or green tea) but my husband does. He will either drink soda pop all day long or Crystal Light, so this is a compromise I made with him since he refuses to drink water. There are still artificial colors and flavors, though. If you have another fruit juice you prefer, then you can use that. Absolutely no artificial sweeteners are allowed in my house!
If you know of any "koolaid" type drink mix that is a healthier option, then please let me know! I have tried making something similar with fruit teas, like raspberry tea, and sweetening it but my husband did not like it. For this smoothie that might be fine, though.
We live very close to one of the largest outdoor Farmer's Markets in the country (Panama). We get fresh papaya and pineapples, cut them up and freeze them on a cookie sheet before putting them in a gallon ziplock bag to store in the freezer. Usually 2 pineapples and one large papaya will last the whole week for us to make smoothies with, at a cost of less than $5 for the fruit.
I choose papaya and pineapple not only for the taste but for the digestive enzymes that are in the fruits.
The Matcha Green Tea powder has amazing benefits, making it an important part of my daily smoothie. It is high in antioxidants and gives me an energy boost. It has 137 times the antioxidant power of a single cup of green tea!
The Miracle Reds and Macro Greens are nutrient rich superfoods that are gluten and gmo free, and I can actually take them without reacting like I do with other powders that end up having artificial ingredients in.
I use the zeolite to help detoxify my body of heavy metals and I use the diatomaceous earth to help kill any parasites I may have in my body, and for extra silica for beautiful skin, hair and nails (and joints!)
I love the Clark's minerals and have been taking them for such a long time that I don't know what I'd do without them. I buy it by the gallon. The neutralizer from Miracle II levels out my pH and helps to alkalize my body.
The Nutiva Hemp Protein powder is all natural and has only hemp protein, no other ingredients. I do not like the taste of hemp at all, so mixing it in my smoothie hides the taste so I don't even know it is in there. I use half the recommended serving size.