It is legal in all 50 states. You can purchase it online here: and they will ship it to you.
Benefits of CBD.

While THC (the main property of marijuana) are psychoactive, the main property of CBD is not. It is not a stimulant in any way. It can be used for nausea and vomiting (while this may help with morning sickness, they mention to not use while nursing or pregnant, probably for liability reasons!).
It also can be used to suppress seizure activity and also can be used as an anti-psychotic.
It can help as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, and can help with neurodegenerative disorders.
Some studies have even said that it can help kill tumors and cancer cells, which is fantastic!
And the benefits I am hoping to achieve are to help with anxiety and insomnia.
I admit the first time I tried it, I was a bit nervous. I tried taking a marijuana pill internally, as the "budtender" at the dispensary told me it would help with insomnia and anxiety. Instead, I was on the verge of calling 911 because my heart was palpitating so much and my blood pressure skyrocketed to 180/125. My pulse was 130!
So I started this with trepidation, as you can imagine. I am even wary about using anything with THC in it topically, so I do it sparingly on my hip bursitis pain.
But, as I was told, it did NOT have any negative effect on me. My heart did not start to race and I actually enjoyed the taste. (It is unflavored but has a mild sweet taste because of the stevia).
If you are sick, you should try it out. Especially if you have any chronic illness.
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