

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Garlic Mullein Ear Oil for earaches and ear infections for adults and babies from Purify Your Body

 Here's some information about my Garlic Mullein Ear Oil! Garlic mullein ear oil is the best for earaches and ear infections! Especially for little ones! Garlic oil is known for its antimicrobial properties. Mullein flowers are known for being antiviral and anti-inflammatory. They also can soften earwax and stimulate circulation in the ear, easing pain. Combined, they are an unstoppable force against ear problems. And, this smells like pizza to me! :) 

I only make one or maybe two batches per year, so once the current batch is sold out, it may be months before another one is available. 

Please note, if you keep this in the freezer (until needed) it should last up to 5 years. Since it is in an organic olive oil base, instead of alcohol, the shelf life is limited. If you keep it in the fridge, then you can easily use it for at least 1 year.

Suggested Use: 1-2 drops in ear 2-3 times per day. Once dropped in the ear you can massage the outside of the ear to get the oil where it needs to go. (This isn’t mandatory, but is helpful). You might want to leave it out at room temperature for a few hours before use. 

Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Mullein Flowers (Verbascum olympicum), and Garlic (Allium sativum). Since this is a natural herbal product, some herbal residue may settle to the bottom. This is natural. Shake before using. You CAN refrigerate or freeze (but let it get to room temperature before using).

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Weight Loss Support Formula from Purify Your Body

 Here is more information about my Weight Loss Support formula! This has a ton of herbs that can boost your metabolism and burn fat. The key with this formula working well is to be consistent with it. It does have cayenne pepper in it, so it is a bit spicy! Many people have a difficult time losing weight no matter what they try. That is so frustrating! These ingredients I have chosen help in individual ways, and I hope they work for you, too! PLEASE NOTE THIS FORMULA CONTAINS MUSHROOMS (Cordyceps). 

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. Because of the cayenne, it will burn your mouth. This should last 2-3 weeks if you take 2-3x per day. I don't recommend this formula for kids at all, but teens can use it if they want.

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Now, the ingredients. 

Garcinia Cambogia:  Studies of garcinia cambogia have shown that it significantly lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases beneficial HDL cholesterole and urinary fat metabolites (markers of fat oxidation). It lowers leptin, therefore decreasing appetite and it promotes a release of serotonin in the brain which supports healthy weight control. Garcinia cambogia also improves melatonin metabolism and increases energy stores in the liver and other tissues, thereby improving energy and reducing appetite. It reduces insulin resistance. Great for weight loss support.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to reduce some of the bad effects of eating high-fat foods. This can help in an overall weight loss plan. Its effect on blood glucose levels can also help your body ultimately lose weight. Scientists report that cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the accumulation of white fat in adipose tissue, the kind that “pads” your body.

Ginger: A spicy, warming, aromatic spice famous for relieving nausea & indigestion, warming the body, and promoting appetite. In this way ginger is a potential remedy for motion sickness, flatulence, and chemotherapy-induced nausea. As an anti-inflammatory circulatory tonic, ginger may provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis, joint or muscle pain, & bad circulation or cramps – taken internally or applied as a poultice. As a diaphoretic, ginger can bring on a good sweat to help progress a fever, with its antimicrobial powers helping to fight off an invading cold or flu.The relaxing effect of ginger on the abdominal area can also relieve cold menstrual cramps and promote menstruation.

Cordyceps: Cordycep Sinensis has been known to boost oxygen flow to muscles (especially after exercise), as well as increase energy and prevent fatigue. Cordyceps also may keep blood sugar in check by mimicking the actions of insulin. It also may help fight inflammation as well as have benefits to your heart.

Ginseng: Ginseng may help stimulate physical and mental activity in people who feel weak and tired. One study revealed that ginseng showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue. Also can boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes, and manage sexual dysfunction in men.

Fenugreek: Based on the available evidence, fenugreek has benefits for lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek may also reduce cholesterol levels, lower inflammation, and help with appetite control.

Cayenne: One of the purest of all known stimulants and the most useful of the stimulating diaphoretics. Its potent qualities make it of wide applicability in most fevers (will increase body temperature), infections and general body cleansing. As a cardiac tonic will regulate blood flow, strengthen the heart, arteries, capillaries and will aid in poor peripheral circulation causing cold hands and feet. As a carminative is used in flatulence, dyspepsia and colic, and as a circulatory stimulant will increase blood supply to the digestive organs, hence enhancing their activities (secretions and regular contractions). Topically it is used as a rubefacient to increase circulation and aid in problems such as rheumatic pains. Its counter-irritant effect causes vasodilation (and heat) in whichever tissue with which it comes into contact.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Whole Foods Vitamin and Mineral Herbal Tincture from Purify Your Body


Here's some information about my Vit 'n Mins formula! This is probably my absolute favorite. Let's tell you a little bit more about this formula and how to best use it to your advantage. This formula is FILLED with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from 100% whole food sources. I love to take it in the morning as it just makes me feel energized.

Dosage: Take 10-30 drops up to 2x per day as needed to give your body the nutrition that it needs. Take in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. I don't recommend taking this in the evening as it can give you a boost of energy. You can take it every day for best results. A question I get asked a lot is about the dosage for kids or babies. This formula would be awesome for kids to take. up to 3, you can 1/4 the dose. 3-12 years old, 1/2 the dose. 

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Now, the ingredients. 

Moringa. A quick glance at the toted health benefits and folk uses of moringa may surprise the uninitiated. Here’s a taste: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, hepatoprotective, hypotensive, cancer preventative and antitumor, cardiac tonic, urinary tract tonic, thyroid tonic, immunostimulant, antirheumatic, astringent, abortifacient, aphrodisiac… the list goes on. Nutrients include but are not limited to: Iron, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, essential amino acids, calcium, vitamin K, antioxidants, vitamin C

Rose Hips.  Rose hip contains a number of important antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and lycopene) that are beneficial to your health. Alternative practitioners also believe that rose hip can prevent or treat a wide range of gastrointestinal and inflammatory symptoms. Nutrients include but are not limited to: vitamin C, manganese, beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin K, & magnesium

Oat Straw. Overall is a nervous system trophorestorative, is nutritive in cases of debility from anxiety, depression & fatigue. Taken over time will increase one’s stamina and strength. Will “feed” the nervous system especially when under stress, and is specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion, especially when associated with depression, insomnia, and “weakness of the nerves”. Considered to also have antispasmodic, demulcent, diuretic, and vulnerary actions and is useful in rheumatic conditions. Often used in baths as an emollient and to treat insomnia and anxiety as well as in a variety of skin conditions, including burns and eczema. Nutrients include but are not limited to: B vitamins, selenium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, amino acids, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, beta carotene, polyphenols

Alfalfa. The isoflavones (flavonoids) are antibacterial.. Alfalfa contains many minerals and vitamins, and in addition, enhances overall nutrition. The action of Alfalfa on the reproductive system can be summarized as a restorative tonic. Alfalfa is phytoestrogenic and its action is to restore the strength and tone of the digestive, kidney, mammary, ovarian and uterine tissue. Nutrients include but are not limited to: antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, folate, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, amino acids

Red Raspberry Leaf. Raspberry leaf has been known as a tonic for female reproductive systems, and is used by midwives for birth prep. It is also used for morning sickness, to help prevent miscarriage, menstrual cramps, PMS, promotes flow of mother’s milk and prevents colic. It also soothes the digestive tract and stomach aches. Often used for influenza and minor wounds like burns, cuts and scrapes. Can help to break a fever and is a blood tonic. Nutrients include but are not limited to: vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, iron, calcium, and phosphoruszinc, potassiumpolyphenols and antioxidants

Nettles.  A chlorophyll-rich plant dense with nourishment. it is a powerful detoxifying, blood building tonic that can be used daily for overall vitality, even (especially!) when pregnant or nursing. also indicated for arthritis, myalgia, allergies, eczema, anemia, bleeding, hemhorrage, inflammation and any issue of the kidneys or excretory (+skin) system. Nutrients include but are not limited to: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, beta carotene, B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, amino acids, polyphenols and antioxidants

Dandelion root is a tonic bitter diuretic & detox herb that relieves liver & gall bladder congestion and works with the waters of the body (lymph, blood, urine). the root works with the lymph, supporting breasts, lactation, & swollen glands. Dandelion root also addresses liver “fire” & bile stagnation & thus a good remedy for sinus allergies, frustrated anger or extra fatty food. can aid blood circulation & disorders, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, jaundice, skin eruptions, muscular rheumatism & more. Nutrients include but are not limited to: beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium

Sleep Support Formula -- One of the Best Sleep Aids by Purify Your Body


Here's some information about my Sleep Formula! This formula is one that works in less than 30 minutes. If you are suffering from insomnia and sleep issues, this tincture is for you! It has natural relaxers and sedatives for you in a combination that should work for most people. 

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 30 minutes before sleep, in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. I don't recommend taking this in the morning for obvious reasons. You can take it every night if you want, or only those nights when you need extra help getting good sleep.

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

A question I get asked a lot is about the dosage for kids or babies. You can use this on occasion to help a child (or teen) sleep. I wouldn't use it on kids younger than 3. 1/2 the dose for kids 3-12, full dose for kids 12+.

Now, the ingredients. 

Lemon Balm: Nervine: acts on the nerves. Sedative: calming agent. Mild Antidepressant: relieves feelings of depression. Mild Antispasmodic: reduces voluntary or involuntary muscle spasm. Carminative: gently calms the nerves. Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration. Lemon balm is a relaxing diaphoretic as opposed to a stimulating diaphoretic.

Valerian Root: Valerian is a mild sedative and sleep-promoting agent that is often used as a milder alternative or a possible substitute for stronger synthetic sedatives, such as benzodiazepines, in the treatment of states of nervous and anxiety induced sleep disturbances. The current indication for Valerian is for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness and tension

Passion Flower: Passionflower is commonly utilized to respond to insomnia, aiding transition into a natural sleep without any “narcotic” hangover. Passionflower works directly on the central nervous system to help lull us to sleep. It is important to note that Passionflower will not force sleep, but rather supports normal sleep that may have been disrupted by stress, muscle spasms, etc.

Chamomile:  Reduces inflammation and helps with sleep and relaxation. It is specific for use in all kinds of gastrointestinal disturbances associated with nervous irritability in the treatment of IBS and colitis. It’s safe to use in children and it’s powerful anti-inflammatory actions make it useful in almost any condition. Topically is is wound healing and a mild anesthetic useful for rheumatic & muscular pains and neuralgia.

Catnip: Catnip’s biggest health benefit is the calming effect that it can have on the body. It contains nepetalactone, which is similar to the valepotriates found in a commonly used herbal sedative, valerian. This can improve relaxation, which may boost mood and reduce anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness.

Hops: The main internal indications for Hops are sleeplessness from worry and anxiety, nervous gastropathies. Can be used for restlessness associated with nervous tension and headache and/or indigestion. Great for restful sleep and restless leg syndrome.

Skullcap: A generalist herb useful for a number of nervous system related problems; nerve tonic and pain remedy. Both skeletal and muscle relaxant. It is a relaxing sedative generally without the knock-you-out effect, making it useful for daytime use. This works well in formulas with other nervines and relaxants.

Respiratory Support Formula from Purify Your Body

 Here is information about my Respiratory Support formula! This is one of top three best sellers that I have. If you are suffering from respiratory problems, or even a lingering cough, this tincture is for you! This tincture helps to strengthen your lungs and helps you get over acute illness quicker. Great for lower respiratory illness as well as chronic conditions like emphysema. This formula would work well with our allergy formula, if you have mild asthma. 

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. For kids up to 3, you can give them 1/4 the dose. For kids 3-12, you can give them 1/2 the dose. 

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Here are the ingredients:

Elecampane Root: Elecampane = Lung, and has also been used since ancient times as food and medicine to stimulate digestion. it is best known today for its powerful abilities to warm, loosen, draw forth and relax chronic, cold, wet lung issues. Elecampane root is indicated for chronic bronchitis and pertussis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis – anything with chronic cold respiratory phlegm – as well as stagnant, cold digestion with bloating and gas.

Mullein: Mullein is primarily known as a remedy for respiratory imbalances. It tones and soothes mucous membranes while encouraging expectoration. It has a paradoxical drying, clearing and soothing, moistening action, combined with a slightly aromatic pungency. As a dry, cooling & pungent herb, it can disperse edema, sluggish congestion & heat, and its mucilaginous quality that can soothe dry harsh inflamed conditions.

Nettle: A chlorophyll-rich plant dense with nourishment. it is a powerful detoxifying, blood building tonic that can be used daily for overall vitality, even (especially!) when pregnant or nursing. also indicated for arthritis, myalgia, allergies, eczema, anemia, bleeding, hemorrhage, inflammation and any issue of the kidneys or excretory (+skin) system.

Marshmallow: As a demulcent and diuretic in diseases involving mucous membrane irritation and catarrh such as acute dysentery, diarrhea, kidney, bladder, and respiratory inflammation. Also applied topically in the form of poultice for painful and inflammatory tumors, swellings, bruises, burns, scalds, or infections.

Licorice: Is specific for the treatment of peptic ulcers and Addison’s disease. Also used for adrenal insufficiency, corticosteroid withdrawal, hypoglycemia and protection against cataracts in diabetes. Inflammatory conditions also benefit from it’s use such as allergies and autoimmune disease, lyme disease, and protects against carcinogens. It will soothe gastrointestinal inflammation and irritations such as GERD, gastritis, IBD, and ulcers. For rheumatism, muscle spasm & cramps, and joint inflammation it can be used both internally and topically.

Lobelia: Lobelia is used primarily for its relaxant effects in the bronchioles. Its ability to relax the smooth muscle of the bronchioles make it an invaluable part of an acute or chronic asthma formula. Lobelia reduces smooth muscle spasm and thus lowers arterial pressure and vascular tension. Is also a useful aid in smoking withdrawal.

Parasite cleanse formula by Purify Your Body

Here's some information about my Parasite Support formula! This is one of the most potent formulas I have. Most people suffer from parasites without even realizing it. Some claims say that 80% of Americans (including children) have parasites, and others say that the percentage is much higher. If you have pets, if you travel internationally, if you eat undercooked meat or sushi, then chances are you have parasites, too. This formula may be able to help support you in getting rid of these yuckies! 

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. I don't recommend taking this in the evening as it can give you a boost of energy. You can take it every day if you want, or only as needed. FOR KIDS: For kids 2-3 years old, use 1/4 the dose. For kids 4-12, use 1/2 the dose. This tastes GROSS, so be aware! It will probably be hard to get your kids to take it.

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Now, the ingredients. While most of the ingredients in this formula can attack parasites on their own, the combination of them makes it all the more powerful!

Black Walnut Hull:  The antiseptic properties (antifungal, antimicrobial) and antineoplastic action give it indication in the treatment of chronic skin conditions associated with a disorder of digestion and assimilation. Used internally for the treatment of worms/parasites, yeast infections and cancer. The bark is a powerful purgative.

Cloves: Clove has widely been used as an antimicrobial agent, killing parasites and bacteria in the digestive tract. Clove has been used to soothe and relax the inner lining of the intestines, encouraging better digestion. Great for an upset stomach especially in children. Cloves may encourage the esophagus to produce more liquid phlegm and act as an expectorant, making dry coughs less severe and more positive.Clove has been shown to have analgesic properties, particularly towards tooth pain.

Garlic: Antihelmintic: kills intestinal worms. Anti-asthmatic: eases constricted breathing caused by asthma. Antilipemic: promotes a reduction of lipid levels in the blood. Anti-epileptic: reduces frequency or severity of convulsions. Anti-hypertensive: benefits high blood pressure. Antimicrobial: kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antiseptic: reduces the possibility of infection, sepsis, and/or putrefaction. Antispasmodic: combats cramping and spasmodic pains, particularly in the digestive tract. Antiviral: fights viral infections. Aphrodisiac: stimulates sexual desire. Carminative: helps to expel gas. Diaphoretic: induces sweating. Emmenagogue: promotes menstruation. Expectorant: helps to expel mucus.

Pumpkin Seed: Pumpkin seeds are paralytic to parasites, particularly helminths such as worms. The seeds, also known as pepitas, are also a good source of magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, and copper. Magnesium helps improve mood and sleep, while manganese plays a role in collagen production and promotes skin and bone health. Iron and copper are involved with energy production, and iron also helps transport oxygen to our cells. Zinc supports immunity, skin health, and vision. Just one serving of pumpkin seeds can supply 14 to 42% of the daily target for these essential nutrients. In addition to minerals, these mighty seeds are also packed with cell protective antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E. In addition to reducing inflammation, antioxidants help fend off premature aging and chronic diseases.

Wormwood: The common name, Wormwood, signifies its use as an anthelmintic (especially against roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, and pinworm) with symptoms of intestinal irritation. A bitter & carminative herb useful for indigestion, sweet/sugar cravings & blood sugar dysregulation. Will promote appetite and bile secretions as well as absorption of nutrients, and decrease bile duct spasm while increasing efficient bile duct contractions and aid in the flow of gastric or pancreatic enzymes and bile. Applied topically for rheumatic pains and infections.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Mother's Milk Herbal Formula for Increasing Milk Supply by Purify Your Body


Here's information about my Mother's Milk formula! This is such a great formula to help increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. Not only will it increase lactation, many of the herbs are filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Now, the dosage and how to take it.

Dosage: Take 10-30 drops up to 2x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. 

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Now, the ingredients:

Moringa. A quick glance at the toted health benefits and folk uses of moringa may surprise the uninitiated. Here’s a taste: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, hepatoprotective, hypotensive, cancer preventative and antitumor, cardiac tonic, urinary tract tonic, thyroid tonic, immunostimulant, antirheumatic, astringent, abortifacient, aphrodisiac… the list goes on. Nutrients include but are not limited to: Iron, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, essential amino acids, calcium, vitamin K, antioxidants, vitamin C

Blessed Thistle. Blessed thistle is used for loss of appetite and indigestion; and to treat colds, cough, fever, bacterial infections, and diarrhea. It is also used as a diuretic for increasing urine output, and for promoting the flow of breast milk in new mothers.

Goat’s Rue. In combination with other herbs, goat’s rue is used to stimulate the adrenal gland and pancreas; to protect the liver; for digestion problems; and to start the flow of breast milk. It also is used to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Fennel. Fennel is a galactagogue which is something that brings about more breast milk. It’s taken as an herbal treatment to help mothers who breastfeed increase their breast milk supply. Fennel also is good for bone health, heart health, healthy blood pressure, and to keep inflammation in check.

  Chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus) is a highly effective herb for promoting hormonal balance in women. It is especially useful for relieving symptoms associated with PMS and menopause, but is also specific as an adjunctive to promoting overall reproductive health in women, including supporting normal ovulation.

Oat Straw. Overall is a nervous system trophorestorative, is nutritive in cases of debility from anxiety, depression & fatigue. Taken over time will increase one’s stamina and strength. Will “feed” the nervous system especially when under stress, and is specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion, especially when associated with depression, insomnia, and “weakness of the nerves”. Considered to also have antispasmodic, demulcent, diuretic, and vulnerary actions and is useful in rheumatic conditions. Often used in baths as an emollient and to treat insomnia and anxiety as well as in a variety of skin conditions, including burns and eczema. Nutrients include but are not limited to: B vitamins, selenium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, amino acids, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, beta carotene, polyphenols

Alfalfa. The isoflavones (flavonoids) are antibacterial.. Alfalfa contains many minerals and vitamins, and in addition, enhances overall nutrition. The action of Alfalfa on the reproductive system can be summarized as a restorative tonic. Alfalfa is phytoestrogenic and its action is to restore the strength and tone of the digestive, kidney, mammary, ovarian and uterine tissue. Nutrients include but are not limited to: antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, folate, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, amino acids

Red Raspberry Leaf. Raspberry leaf has been known as a tonic for female reproductive systems, and is used by midwives for birth prep. It is also used for morning sickness, to help prevent miscarriage, menstrual cramps, PMS, promotes flow of mother’s milk and prevents colic. It also soothes the digestive tract and stomach aches. Often used for influenza and minor wounds like burns, cuts and scrapes. Can help to break a fever and is a blood tonic. Nutrients include but are not limited to: vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, iron, calcium, and phosphoruszinc, potassiumpolyphenols and antioxidants

Menopause Formula for Hormonal Balancing from Purify Your Body


Here's more information about my Menopause Support formula! This is a great formula for balancing hormonesIf you are going through “the change” or are in perimenopause, this tincture is for you! This tincture helps with balancing hormones so that your hot flashes, moods, fatigue, etc. may be alleviated. It also is good for those who are younger but have female hormonal issues. I may not have been the smartest to call it "menopause" formula instead of "hormone balancing formula", because all females can use it to help balance their hormones.

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 1-3x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. This tincture works best if you take it every day over time.

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

A question I get asked a lot is about the dosage for kids or babies. This formula shouldn't be given to young children, but it might be helpful for teenagers who have erratic menstrual cycles. The female formula is another formula I offer, and it is AMAZING for menstrual cramps. Like it is THE BOMB!

Now, the ingredients.

Black Cohosh: 
Musculoskeletal, respiratory, and female reproductive systems. The anti-spasmodic and analgesic actions on the female reproductive system make it useful for treating spasmodic dysmenorrhea or any spasm or tension of the female organs. Has been researched and utilized extensively in the management of menopausal symptoms.

Bugleweed: It is used to treat premenstrual syndrome and related issues; breast pain; nervousness; trouble sleeping (insomnia); and bleeding, especially nosebleeds and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Also used for menopause.

Red Clover: A sweet, cooling and tasty herb, red clover is clearing and mildly nutritive. It has affinities with the respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic systems and is known as a relaxing expectorant and a “blood cleanser”. It has a reputation as a remedy for coughs, skin issues, & lymphatic indications. Also has phytoestrogenic properties and can help alleviate menopause symptoms.

Dong Quai: Is commonly used to support and maintain normal reproductive function. Regulates menstruation in any cases of pelvic congestion or blood stasis. Relieves dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain (e.g. menstrual clots, uterine fibroids, endometriosis), amenorrhea, PMS, menopausal symptoms and infertility. Thought to “lessen pelvic congestion”, and relieve pain from obstructed blood stasis, also acting as a mild laxative.

Licorice: As an adaptogen, it is specific for the treatment of peptic ulcers and Addison’s disease. Also used for adrenal insufficiency, corticosteroid withdrawal, hypoglycemia and protection against cataracts in diabetes. Inflammatory conditions also benefit from it’s use such as allergies and autoimmune disease, lyme disease, and protects against carcinogens. It will soothe gastrointestinal inflammation and irritations such as GERD, gastritis, IBD, and ulcers. For rheumatism, muscle spasm & cramps, and joint inflammation it can be used both internally and topically.