

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Garlic Mullein Ear Oil for earaches and ear infections for adults and babies from Purify Your Body

 Here's some information about my Garlic Mullein Ear Oil! Garlic mullein ear oil is the best for earaches and ear infections! Especially for little ones! Garlic oil is known for its antimicrobial properties. Mullein flowers are known for being antiviral and anti-inflammatory. They also can soften earwax and stimulate circulation in the ear, easing pain. Combined, they are an unstoppable force against ear problems. And, this smells like pizza to me! :) 

I only make one or maybe two batches per year, so once the current batch is sold out, it may be months before another one is available. 

Please note, if you keep this in the freezer (until needed) it should last up to 5 years. Since it is in an organic olive oil base, instead of alcohol, the shelf life is limited. If you keep it in the fridge, then you can easily use it for at least 1 year.

Suggested Use: 1-2 drops in ear 2-3 times per day. Once dropped in the ear you can massage the outside of the ear to get the oil where it needs to go. (This isn’t mandatory, but is helpful). You might want to leave it out at room temperature for a few hours before use. 

Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Mullein Flowers (Verbascum olympicum), and Garlic (Allium sativum). Since this is a natural herbal product, some herbal residue may settle to the bottom. This is natural. Shake before using. You CAN refrigerate or freeze (but let it get to room temperature before using).

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