

Friday, December 25, 2020

Parasite cleanse formula by Purify Your Body

Here's some information about my Parasite Support formula! This is one of the most potent formulas I have. Most people suffer from parasites without even realizing it. Some claims say that 80% of Americans (including children) have parasites, and others say that the percentage is much higher. If you have pets, if you travel internationally, if you eat undercooked meat or sushi, then chances are you have parasites, too. This formula may be able to help support you in getting rid of these yuckies! 

Dosage: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day in juice or tea. You CAN take under your tongue if you want. It is just easier to get down when putting in juice. I don't recommend taking this in the evening as it can give you a boost of energy. You can take it every day if you want, or only as needed. FOR KIDS: For kids 2-3 years old, use 1/4 the dose. For kids 4-12, use 1/2 the dose. This tastes GROSS, so be aware! It will probably be hard to get your kids to take it.

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time. If you forget about this formula in your cupboard and find it in 5 years, you can still take it! It will still be potent! Isn't that cool?

Now, the ingredients. While most of the ingredients in this formula can attack parasites on their own, the combination of them makes it all the more powerful!

Black Walnut Hull:  The antiseptic properties (antifungal, antimicrobial) and antineoplastic action give it indication in the treatment of chronic skin conditions associated with a disorder of digestion and assimilation. Used internally for the treatment of worms/parasites, yeast infections and cancer. The bark is a powerful purgative.

Cloves: Clove has widely been used as an antimicrobial agent, killing parasites and bacteria in the digestive tract. Clove has been used to soothe and relax the inner lining of the intestines, encouraging better digestion. Great for an upset stomach especially in children. Cloves may encourage the esophagus to produce more liquid phlegm and act as an expectorant, making dry coughs less severe and more positive.Clove has been shown to have analgesic properties, particularly towards tooth pain.

Garlic: Antihelmintic: kills intestinal worms. Anti-asthmatic: eases constricted breathing caused by asthma. Antilipemic: promotes a reduction of lipid levels in the blood. Anti-epileptic: reduces frequency or severity of convulsions. Anti-hypertensive: benefits high blood pressure. Antimicrobial: kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antiseptic: reduces the possibility of infection, sepsis, and/or putrefaction. Antispasmodic: combats cramping and spasmodic pains, particularly in the digestive tract. Antiviral: fights viral infections. Aphrodisiac: stimulates sexual desire. Carminative: helps to expel gas. Diaphoretic: induces sweating. Emmenagogue: promotes menstruation. Expectorant: helps to expel mucus.

Pumpkin Seed: Pumpkin seeds are paralytic to parasites, particularly helminths such as worms. The seeds, also known as pepitas, are also a good source of magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, and copper. Magnesium helps improve mood and sleep, while manganese plays a role in collagen production and promotes skin and bone health. Iron and copper are involved with energy production, and iron also helps transport oxygen to our cells. Zinc supports immunity, skin health, and vision. Just one serving of pumpkin seeds can supply 14 to 42% of the daily target for these essential nutrients. In addition to minerals, these mighty seeds are also packed with cell protective antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E. In addition to reducing inflammation, antioxidants help fend off premature aging and chronic diseases.

Wormwood: The common name, Wormwood, signifies its use as an anthelmintic (especially against roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, and pinworm) with symptoms of intestinal irritation. A bitter & carminative herb useful for indigestion, sweet/sugar cravings & blood sugar dysregulation. Will promote appetite and bile secretions as well as absorption of nutrients, and decrease bile duct spasm while increasing efficient bile duct contractions and aid in the flow of gastric or pancreatic enzymes and bile. Applied topically for rheumatic pains and infections.

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