

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homemade Vapor Rub Recipe

This recipe is not to be used on children under 2 years of age, as some of the essential oils are pretty strong. You can use this on your nose/cheekbones/temples or you can use this on your feet/chest to provide strong relief of colds and congestion. Apply as often as needed.

4 teaspoons grated beeswax or grassfed beef tallow (make your own tallow)
2 tablespoons shea, cocoa or mango butter
8 tablespoons coconut oil
60 drops therapeutic grade essential oils (see list below for options)

For nose/cheekbones/temples use the following:
20 drops each of: rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus

For chest/feet use one of the following combinations:
20 drops eucalyptus and 10 drops each of: rosemary, lavender, tea tree and lemon
20 drops each of: rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus
20 drops each of: rosemary, peppermint and eucalyptus
20 drops each of: eucalyptus and peppermint, 10 drops each of: basil and pine needle
15 drops each of: lavender, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus

  1. Melt beeswax/tallow and shea/mango/cocoa butter in a double boiler.
  2. Once melted, turn off the heat and add coconut oil and essential oils.
  3. Pour in a clean glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Makes about ¾ cup.
  4. Can be stored at room temperature for up to a year.

Essential Oils That Soothe Congestion

Eucalyptus – Potent antiseptic, anti-viral and decongestant.
Tea tree – An effective antimicrobial, expectorant and antiseptic.
Peppermint – Helps to open nasal passages.
Lavender – Antihistamine, antiseptic and antimicrobial.
Lemon – Stimulates immune function
Sweet orange – Helps with detoxification
Thyme – Powerful antiseptic that helps boost immune function
Basil – Helps open nasal passages. Antiseptic.
Rosemary – Antiseptic, helps open nasal passages.
Pine – Great for colds and sinuses
Marjoram – Antimicrobial. Helps with breathing.
Chamomile – Relieves congestion and helps calm cranky patients.

About Me: Hi! I am Rebecca :) I am the owner of Purify Your Body Detox Foot Pads. I love natural health and wellness, and I love to eat real food. :) 

I love my family, and my pets. I actually love all animals -- they are much nicer than most humans! I don't watch TV and haven't watched a movie in the theater for more than 9 months. I would much rather read a book!

I love to garden and make homemade products -- body butter, toothpaste, perfume, cheese, yogurt, etc. It tastes better when it's made from scratch!  Contact me here: