

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My dog, Max

I haven't posted any blogs in a little bit. Yesterday I was able to give my dad some much needed respite from taking care of my mom (with dementia). I drove her down to SLC after running some errands, and we went to visit 3 of my siblings down there. We took her to lunch, and also to dinner. I am grateful for my siblings for helping me keep her entertained. We dropped my husband off at the airport down there as well. He flew back to Minneapolis to take care of some business.

So I thought the weekend would be sort of relaxing for me, not having to share a bed with anyone except my furry pets, until I was awaken around 1:30am with my older dog convulsing. I had never experienced someone having a seizure before, and I was so scared. He became incontinent and was foaming at the mouth. His breathing was very shallow and extremely raspy. After his second seizure about 20 minutes later, my brother came over to help me carry my 95-lb dog to my truck so we could get him to the vet. What a wonderful family I have, that I can wake up at 2am and have them come to my rescue when my husband is out of town.

Anyway, when I pulled into the vet's parking lot, he started to seize again, and flopped off the seat in my truck onto the floor and was banging his head against the dashboard. Very scary for me, the vet was able to actually see him seizing up. She got him hooked up with an IV and got blood work started, gave him some diazepam, (valium), and gave him fluids while waiting for the blood test results. Thankfully his blood work looked good. He started calming down and was super doped up (20mg of valium? YES, I do believe he was loopy). We got him home around 4:30am and my brother helped me get him onto a doggy bed, and helped me take care of the mess on my own bed. Thankfully our mattress pad and memory foam topper stopped everything from getting through to our mattress.

And I barely got any sleep. Hence, no normal blog post today, but just writing out about my experience has a healing effect. We have to figure out what caused his seizures, and address those issues. I do treat my dogs as naturally as possible, but I fully respect what vets can do for trauma care.

I have no children, and so my dogs and cat are a huge part of my life. (Along with all my nieces and nephews!)

Here is my Max, getting an IV last night at the vet. (err, this morning). He was so loopy... and barely fit on the cart.


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