

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Cistus Biofilm Buster Herbal Tincture


Cistus Biofilm Buster Herbal Tincture

This cistus biofilm buster is amazing! It is very potent, and can really help those who are dealing with chronic issues like systemic candida, Lyme disease, Lyme co-infections, mold-illness, parasites and more!

This tincture would be good paired with the following formulas:

Candida Formula

Parasite Formula

Babesia Formula

And it is already included in the Lyme Disease Formula.

What is Cistus Incanus? This herb has amazing antibacterial and antifungal benefits. One example where this can be beneficial is with candida overgrowth. Systemic candida can wreak havoc on the digestive tract and other fungal infections are toxic to the immune system and respiratory system.  That cistus can address these types of issues is great news for those who are struggling with fungal illnesses, including toxic mold exposure. These anti-fungal properties could make cistus  an important part of healing protocols for people with mold-induced illness.

Cistus also has strong antiviral properties. It prevents viral infection by targeting viral envelope proteins (proteins embedded in the capsule of a virus, which is the shell-like payer that encapsulates the viral DNA or RNA… this is the genetic material that a virus uses to replicate once it is in a host cell).

One of the most wonderful qualities of Cistus is it’s all-star ability to break down biofilm, especially in the mouth. Biofilm, a slimy layer of bacteria that can form on bodily surfaces, may be a major contributor to the development and persistence of chronic disease because it allows bacteria to evade antibiotics. Cistus is a powerful bio-film breaker that can help destroy biofilm and restore a healthy microbial balance in the human body.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  Cistus Incanus and non-GMO Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops 1-3x per day. You can take in juice, tea or other liquid. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste!

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.

Lyme Disease Herbal Formula


Lyme Disease Herbal Formula

This Lyme Disease formula is made from high quality herbs and ingredients. I created it because I read an article about some herbs that were specific for the Borellia burgdorferi Lyme Disease bacteria. (here is the article if you want to read it). The main gist was that these seven herbs are highly active in test tubes against B. burgdorferi compared to commonly-used antibiotics like doxycycline and cefuroxime. A co-author of the study, Dr. Schweig, said “Since traditional antibiotic approaches fail to resolve symptoms in up to 25% of patients treated for Lyme disease and many suffer disabling effects of the disease, there is a need for novel treatment proven effective against B. burgdorferi.”

The herbs included in this Lyme Disease formula are:

Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta: Cryptolepis is one of the top five systemic herbal antibiotics in the world. It is used in the treatment of various diseases such as malaria, bacterial respiratory diseases, hypertension, and diarrhea.

Artemisia (Sweet Wormwood): Research has shown artemisia to have benefits in cases of malaria, worms, cancer and autoimmune inflammatory diseases. The main compound, artemisinin, may also have anti-inflammatory benefits, which could be useful for treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. For example, it might help treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Chinese Skullcap: Chinese (Baical) skullcap is anondyne, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, hypocholesterolaemic, nervine, sedative and vasodilatory. Baical skullcap is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used primarily in treating “hot and damp” conditions such as dysentery and diarrhea. It has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years and recent research has found that the roots contain flavonoids that greatly enhance liver function and also have anti-inflammatory and anti allergenic effects.

Black Walnut: The antiseptic properties (antifungal, antimicrobial) and antineoplastic action give it indication in the treatment of chronic skin conditions associated with a disorder of digestion and assimilation. Used internally for the treatment of worms/parasites, yeast infections and cancer.

Cat’s Claw: Primary traditional uses in Peru are as an anti-inflammatory, contraceptive and anti-cancer remedy. An immune stimulant especially used in viral infections, including HIV. Useful in a variety of inflammatory diseases including gastric ulcers, diarrhea and GI tumors, gonorrhea, arthritis and rheumatism, acne, diabetes, diseases of the urinary tract and cancer.

Japanese Knotweed: Japanese Knotweed contains high levels of the popular antioxidant, Resveratrol. This plant also can regulate bowel motility and can be used as a natural laxative. Supports healthy blood vessel function and promotes heart health.

Cistus Incanus: This herb has amazing antibacterial and antifungal benefits. One example where this can be beneficial is with candida overgrowth. Systemic candida can wreak havoc on the digestive tract and other fungal infections are toxic to the immune system and respiratory system.  That cistus can address these types of issues is great news for those who are struggling with fungal illnesses, including toxic mold exposure. These anti-fungal properties could make cistus  an important part of healing protocols for people with mold-induced illness.

Cistus also has strong antiviral properties. It prevents viral infection by targeting viral envelope proteins (proteins embedded in the capsule of a virus, which is the shell-like payer that encapsulates the viral DNA or RNA... this is the genetic material that a virus uses to replicate once it is in a host cell).

One of the most wonderful qualities of Cistus is it's all-star ability to break down biofilm, especially in the mouth. Biofilm, a slimy layer of bacteria that can form on bodily surfaces, may be a major contributor to the development and persistence of chronic disease because it allows bacteria to evade antibiotics. Cistus is a powerful bio-film breaker that can help destroy biofilm and restore a healthy microbial balance in the human body.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta, Artemisia, Chinese Skullcap, Cistus Incanus, Cat’s Claw, Black Walnut, Japanese Knotweed and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops at least 1x per day and up to 3x per day. You can take in juice, tea or other liquid. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste! Please note that with a spirochete bacteria such as Lyme and it’s co-infections, you may experience die off or a detox reaction. If this occurs, please reduce the number of drops and SLOWLY work your way back up to the full dose.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.

Babesia (Lyme Co-infection) Herbal Formula


Babesia (Lyme Co-infection) Herbal Formula

This Babesia (Lyme co-infection) formula is made from high quality herbs and ingredients. I created it because I read an article about some herbs that were specific for the Babesia duncani (here is the article if you want to read it). The main gist was that these five herbs had potent activity compared to commonly-used antibiotics in test tubes against Babesia duncani. A co-author of the study, Dr. Schweig, said “due to limited therapeutics and a rise in treatment resistance, current treatment options for this disease are inaequate. Many patients rely on herbal therapies for which there is only anecdotal evidence of efficacy. We hope this data offers inspiration to other researchers to further explore similar options for people living with tick-borne diseases that do not respond to current treatments.”

The herbs included in this Lyme Co-infection (Babesia) formula are:

Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta: Cryptolepis is one of the top five systemic herbal antibiotics in the world. It is used in the treatment of various diseases such as malaria, bacterial respiratory diseases, hypertension, and diarrhea.

Artemisia (Sweet Wormwood): Research has shown artemisia to have benefits in cases of malaria, worms, cancer and autoimmune inflammatory diseases. The main compound, artemisinin, may also have anti-inflammatory benefits, which could be useful for treating inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. For example, it might help treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Chinese Skullcap: Chinese (Baical) skullcap is anondyne, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, hypocholesterolaemic, nervine, sedative and vasodilatory. Baical skullcap is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used primarily in treating “hot and damp” conditions such as dysentery and diarrhea. It has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years and recent research has found that the roots contain flavonoids that greatly enhance liver function and also have anti-inflammatory and anti allergenic effects

African Christmas Bush: The leaves and stems are taken for their sedative and antispasmodic activities to treat a variety of respiratory problems including sore throat, cough and bronchitis, genital / urinary problems including venereal disease and female sterility. Also used for intestinal problems including ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery and worms. They are also used as a blood purifier.

Japanese Knotweed: Japanese Knotweed contains high levels of the popular antioxidant, Resveratrol. This plant also can regulate bowel motility and can be used as a natural laxative. Supports healthy blood vessel function and promotes heart health.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta, Artemisia, Chinese Skullcap, African Christmas Bush, Japanese Knotweed and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops at least once per day. You can take in juice, tea or other liquid. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste! Please note that with a spirochete bacteria such as Lyme and it’s co-infections, you may experience die off or a detox reaction. If this occurs, please reduce the number of drops and SLOWLY work your way back up to the full dose.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cold Sore Herbal Formula

Cold Sore Herbal Tincture

This cold sore herbal tincture is made from high quality herbs and ingredients. I created it because a friend of mine told me about a similar formula she got from someone where she used to live. She said it was amazing and she used it right when she felt cold sores coming on and it wiped them out super fast! She was wondering if I could make something like it so that she would be able to have access to it still when hers ran out.

Here is her testimonial: “A midwife in Virginia made me up a tincture when I had a cold sore and I couldn’t believe it, it was gone in two days (I’ve had cold sores my whole life and believe me, at that stage, they are never gone on their own before at least two weeks). It kicked the crap out of even lysine. Essential oils work really quickly if you catch it before it erupts but I had never had success after it blistered until this tincture. ”

I have never had cold sores so I do not know from first hand experience how this works. However, I have had shingles OVER TWENTY TIMES in my life so far… and they come from related viruses. So… I am going to try this formula next time I get a shingles outbreak. But, it has been TWO YEARS since my last one (and before, I’d have them at least once per year so I have high hopes that I won’t be getting another one anytime soon!)

This formula would be good paired with the cold and flu formula. There are a ton of anti-viral herbs in that one.

The herbs included in this cold sore formula are:

St. John’s Wort: This herb comes to the rescue for raw nerves and wounds of flesh. It calms anxiety, melancholy and tension of the mind, nerves and body, as well as menopausal irritability. Externally, its antiseptic astringency aids healing of flesh wounds like sores, cuts, bruises, burns, hemorrhoids & varicose veins, and helps to calm swelling, stop bleeding & prevent infection, especially with weak immunity. It is also useful externally for sciatica, arthritis, spine ailments & fybromyalgia – anything ‘nervy’.

Lemon Balm: Lemon balm is a relaxing diaphoretic as opposed to a stimulating diaphoretic. Antiviral: destroys or suppresses growth of viruses, generally by supporting the immune system. Antioxidant: prevents free radical or oxidative damage. Lemon balm is a wonderful herb for multiple health conditions and was once considered “an herbal cure-all”.

Yarrow: Perhaps most famously, yarrow is prized for its benefits to wounds or minor bleeding. Its mild antiseptic and anodyne properties coupled with its ability to coagulate blood and stop bleeding make it the perfect ally in this case. These properties also make it useful in cases of hemorrhoids, post-partum care, bruises, and mouth sores, as well as internal bleeding. Yarrow beautifully harmonizes blood circulation and can be beneficial in cases of stagnation such as varicose veins or fibroids, as well as cases of overstimulated blood flow, such as hypertension.

Orange Peel: Orange peel is recommended for colds (in the early stage), asthma, constipation, flu, gums, mouth, slow digestion, and stress. It also shows promise as an anti-cancer agent. It’s also packed with Vitamin C that boosts immunity and helps the body fight off infections. The peel actually contains more Vitamin C than the fruit. The high levels of Vitamin C, histamine and it’s anti-inflammatory properties make it highly effective in cleansing the lungs

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  St. John’s Wort, Lemon Balm, Yarrow, Orange Peel and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops every hour once you feel a cold sore coming on. You can take in juice, tea or other liquid. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste! If you already have a cold sore, take 20-30 drops up to 5 times daily.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.

Testosterone Boosting Herbal Formula


Testosterone Boosting Herbal Tincture

This testosterone boosting herbal tincture is made from high quality herbs and ingredients — some of which may have grown in my garden!

Men will be the target of this formula most frequently, which is why I have it labeled on the bottle “Male Testosterone Formula.” However, if a female is low on testosterone this will be ok to take. I do recommend getting a male hormone panel done that includes DHEA as well as testosterone, since DHEA is a common hormone that is low when testosterone is low.

This formula would be good paired with the adrenal formula. The herbs included in this testosterone boosting formula are:

Ashwaganda: Is used to restore health to the nervous system and eases stress and mental exhaustion as it promotes mental clarity and improves memory and stamina. As a tonic for the elderly and to promote growth in children and enhance athletic performance, it also promotes recovery after illness and during convalescence and has great use in various chronic diseases involving inflammation. It will aid bone degeneration, rheumatism, joint pain and neuralgias and can be used topically for wounds and swelling.

American Ginseng (Panax): Ginseng may help stimulate physical and mental activity in people who feel weak and tired. One study revealed that ginseng showed good results in helping cancer patients with fatigue. Also can boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes, and manage sexual dysfunction in men.

Cordyceps: Cordycep Sinensis has been known to boost oxygen flow to muscles (especially after exercise), as well as increase energy and prevent fatigue. Cordyceps also may keep blood sugar in check by mimicking the actions of insulin. It also may help fight inflammation as well as have benefits to your heart.

Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): Eleuthero, the king of adaptogens, has so many benefits! It is anti-fatigue, enhances mental acuity and physical endurance, work and exercise capacity without the letdown that comes with stimulants such as caffeine products. It allows for a quicker recovery from acute stress and improves oxygen uptake, enabling longer workouts and quicker recovery. It has an anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis in the pancreas, liver and adrenal cortex. Improves learning and memory, while protecting against environmental pollutants and radiation. Increases the body’s ability to resist infection, and prevents colds and flu, while shortening recovery time. It is antiviral and immunoprotective.

Fenugreek: Based on the available evidence, fenugreek has benefits for lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek may also reduce cholesterol levels, lower inflammation, and help with appetite control.

Horny Goat Weed: This herb is used to stimulate androgen hormones and therefore enhance sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and to provide energy. Also used to support normal circulation to the extremities, and tonify kidney yang energy, which is a driving force for libido. It is an antioxidant, and good for cardiovascular support as well as helping with circulation.

Tribulus Terrestris (Goat Heads!): Used to enhance libido, keep the urinary tract healthy and reduce swelling. Tribulus terrestris is widely used as a general health supplement, as well as in supplements that claim to increase testosterone levels. A powerful sexual tonic, Tribulus tops the charts of herbal Viagra. Studies have shown that this herb elevates the luteinising hormone (LH), increasing the levels of free testosterone in healthy males.

Long Jack (Tongkat Ali): Studies show that tongkat ali (Longjack) may boost testosterone levels and help treat infertility in men, relieve stress, and possibly increase muscle mass

Saw Palmetto: Promising research shows that saw palmetto may help increase testosterone levels, improve prostate health, reduce inflammation, prevent hair loss, and enhance urinary tract function.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  Ashwagandha, American Ginseng, Cordyceps, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Fenugreek, Horny Goat Weed, Hawthorn, Tribulus Terrestris, Long Jack, Saw Palmetto and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops 2-3x per day in juice, tea or other liquid for up to 1 month. The tincture should last 2-3 weeks if you take it 3x per day at 20 drops. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste! You should start seeing results after 4-6 weeks.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.

Migraine Relief Herbal Formula


This migraine relief herbal formula is made from high quality herbs and ingredients. I created it because I suffer from migraines and found some things that helped me. Besides this, I have worked on stabilizing my electrolytes by replenishing my sodium, potassium and magnesium. I haven’t had a migraine in over 2 months and I am thrilled! I had been getting them as frequently as 3x per week and it was getting old.

The herbs included in this migraine relief herbal formula are:

Butterbur: Butterbur is an effective treatment for migraine headaches that can potentially help with other conditions, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma. Preliminary research suggests It may even protect the brain from oxidative stress.

Feverfew: Feverfew is believed to help migraine sufferers because of the unique plant chemical it contains, parthenolide, which helps relieve smooth muscle spasms and can combat the widening of blood vessels that occurs in migraines. This effect appears to be backed up by research which shows that Feverfew can reduce the frequency of migraines and reduce symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light (flashing lights). The word “Feverfew” derives from the Latin word febrifugia, meaning “fever reducer” or “to drive out fevers”. With a long history of traditional use, the Ancient Greek physician Dioscorides gave a decoction of Feverfew to women in labour to speed up the birth process by increasing contractions. The Romans used it as an emmenagogue, to induce or increase menstrual flow and they also used it during difficult births to aid in the expulsion of the placenta.

Oatstraw: Overall is a nervous system trophorestorative, is nutritive in cases of debility from anxiety, depression & fatigue. Taken over time will increase one’s stamina and strength. Will “feed” the nervous system especially when under stress, and is specific in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion, especially when associated with depression, insomnia, and “weakness of the nerves”. Has been given to help with addiction withdrawals (e.g. opium, tobacco). Considered to also have antispasmodic, demulcent, diuretic, and vulnerary actions and is useful in rheumatic conditions. Often used in baths as an emollient and to treat insomnia and anxiety as well as in a variety of skin conditions, including burns and eczema.

Peppermint: Will inhibit mucous secretion temporarily because of it’s menthol component. It can be used whenever there is excess mucous secreted, helping also with it’s antispasmodic and carminative actions. Is one of the best carminatives available, having a relaxing effect on visceral muscles and relieving intestinal colic and flatulence. The volatile oil acts as a mild anaesthetic to the stomach wall which help with feelings of nausea during travel or pregnancy. Essential oil be used topically for rheumatism, sprains & strains.

White Willow Bark: Salix sp. (willow bark) is used in a variety of conditions with symptoms of fever and pain. It’s analgesic effects are slower than that of aspirin, but of longer duration and without the gastric side effects. Mild flus and colds with fever, mild headaches and other pain caused by inflammation are indications for this plant. Salix sp. has been used for various forms of arthritis for centuries and is specific for RA and other systemic connective tissue conditions with inflammatory changes. Conditions with inflammation pain such as anyklosing spondylitis, gout, muscular rheumatism, joint pain, OA, osteoporosis, tendinitis, sprains, sciatica and neuralgia it can be of great use. It should be noted that the irreversible inhibition of platelet aggregation seen with aspirin cannot be induced by willow.

Herbal tinctures as medicine

Why are tinctures a preferred method of taking herbs? Because tinctures are potent! You don’t waste your money on pills that have been in the manufacturing process for months / years and lose potency! With an alcohol base, the tinctures pull out all the medicinal benefits of the plant, and preserve them naturally for you! They don’t lose potency over time.

With that being said, they are in a non-gmo vodka base. Which is fine for most people. But some people prefer to avoid alcohol in all forms. (even by avoiding real vanilla extract) and we support that choice. These tinctures aren’t for those people. Because of the potential for bacteria to reside in glycerine tinctures, we have decided to only offer vodka based tinctures. These herbs are edible and considered safe for most people. Some people may be allergic to certain herbs and should not use them. It is always best to consult your doctor before using any herbal product if you are taking prescription medications or have a health condition.

INGREDIENTS:  Butterbur, Feverfew, Oatstraw, Peppermint, White Willow Bark and Vodka

DIRECTIONS: Take 20-30 drops every hour once you feel a migraine coming on. You can take in juice, tea or other liquid. You can take it directly in your mouth if you can get over the taste! You can take it preventively 1x per day.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, or have any health conditions, please consult a doctor before use.