

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dr. Clark's Lugol's Iodine

I first learned about Dr. Hulda Clark when I was a LOT younger and my stepmom introduced me to her book, The Cure for all Cancers. My mom died of cancer when I was a baby so the big "C" word was something I was afraid of.

I got my first "zapper" in 2005 and have been using it on and off since then.

So when I got to review Lugol's Iodine from Dr. Clark Store, I was pretty familiar with the type of company they are.

I have hypothyroidism and so those who study up on natural support for thyroid will always come across iodine as the #1 pick. Well, they are half right. You never want to take iodine without taking selenium as well. Otherwise you can cause problems.

This stuff from the Dr. Clark Store is so inexpensive and worth it. Every household should have some on hand!

And, iodine has so many uses:

  • Purifying water - this stuff can kill pathogens in the water, making it safe to drink.
  • Food poisoning - you can take 12 drops in 1/4 cup of water at first sign of symptoms.
  • Produce cleaner - (see veggie wash instructions below) 
  • Iodine supplement - for weight loss, metabolism booster, thyroid support

Here are the Veggie Wash Directions:
Place 2 quarts (2L) of water in a bowl and add 1 dropper-full of Lugol’s Iodine to make an approximately 12½ ppm iodine solution. Add 2 dropper-fulls of Lugol’s Iodine to make an approximately 25 ppm iodine solution.
Completely submerge produce for 1 minute or more. Agitate food well. Rinsing with water is optional. Do not save the water for later use. It will lose potency and color. Add more Lugol’s Iodine once the water turns clear.
(CA Health Code states that 25 ppm concentration qualifies as a sanitation solution for restaurants and is as strong as a 100 ppm chlorine solution.)

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