

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Many Uses For Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is one of the few "must have" essential oils in my household. I use it for so many things (almost everything except for ingestion!)

You should NOT drink a drop of lemon oil in water in the morning like many EO consultants tell you to do! The ONLY times you should ingest essential oils are when you are under the care of a certified aromatherapist who knows your background and health history, or a naturopathic doctor with essential oil knowledge -- and even then it should be for a very short time, for acute issues. And properly. NEVER take an essential oil mixed with WATER! Ack! Nope. Oil and water doesn't mix, so it is the same as if you put the essential oil directly in your mouth and swallowed. Water does NOT offer any dilution of an EO. Besides, one drop is the equivalent of up to 75 cups of tea -- one drop!! Would you ever drink 75 cups of lemon tea for any reason? Craziness!

Ok, off my rant and back to the matter at hand.... all the wonderful things you can do with lemon essential oil!

My favorite of course is cleaning. Lemon essential oil is one of the number one cleaning tools in my house. I use it to make my basic counter top spray of distilled white vinegar, water and lemon essential oil. Put it in a spray bottle and you have window cleaner, counter top cleaner, wall cleaner, and any other surface area you want cleaned. Even your bathroom!

For a heavier duty clean I use a spray bottle with miracle soap and water, and lemon essential oil.

For a scrub I mix up baking soda, water and lemon essential oil. This is for dirtier areas that also require more elbow grease.

And lemon is one of my favorite essential oils to diffuse, as it is very uplifting and energizing. I have 3 essential oil diffusers for different areas in my house.

With LaLune Natural's lemon oil, you not only get 4 oz of 100% pure oil, but you get a free ebook with recipes as well!

Lemon essential oil blends well with many other essential oils, especially lavender and bergamot.

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