

Saturday, October 11, 2014

About NutraSilver - The BEST Colloidal Silver Available

Colloidal silver seems to be all the rage these days, with the potential to be helpful against the ebola virus. My sales of NutraSilver -- the highest potency colloidal silver on the market -- have skyrocketed in the past few weeks, it is hard to keep up!

I wrote a post a few months back about all the beneficial uses I have for colloidal silver. (Read it here) and I continue to use it in my daily life.

But, there have been a few questions that people have -- about how to use it, about how it compares to the "made from home" silver solutions, does it kill beneficial bacteria, why the ppm is so high at 3600, etc.

I will try to answer these questions here.

Q: How does NutraSilver compare to the silver solutions you can make at home?
A:  The silver solutions you can make at home are ionic in nature. They are not true silver colloids, and they have a larger particle size and smaller particle surface area.

Colloidal particles, when present in sufficient concentration, absorb visible light causing the colloid to exhibit an "apparent color". The apparent color is the complement of the absorbed wavelength. Silver ions do not absorb visible light and therefore appear as clear colorless liquids.

All "colloidal silver generators" on the market produce ionic silver. There is no equipment for sale by any manufacturer that will produce 'true colloidal silver' consisting of mostly silver nanoparticles.

Q: I read on a website that ionic silver is better than colloidal silver?
A:  You probably read that from a website that is trying to sell you ionic silver. Maybe what they meant is that ionic silver is better than silver proteins (which are many times mislabeled as colloidal silver solutions). In that case, yes, ionic silver is better.

Perhaps the most impressive ability that NutraSilver has is that it can be safely diluted without sacrificing effectiveness. You can literally dilute one 30 mL bottle of NutraSilver with distilled water and make 38, 8 ounce bottles of the 10 ppm ionic silver - which comes out to less than $1 per a bottle. Just 13 drops in 8 ounces of distilled water and you’ve got the equivalent to the normal store-bought ionic silver. NutraSilver, when compared this way is hugely less expensive than store-bought products.

There is really no comparison between ionic silver and colloidal silver. Ionic silver is a lot cheaper to make, yet manufacturers jack up their price. If you are paying more than $15 per bottle, then you are paying way too much for what you are getting.

That being said, ionic silver is not "bad" -- it just isn't as potent as a pure colloidal silver such as NutraSilver. It is great for cuts and scrapes and even as a deodorant! Since it is clear in color (the easiest way to tell whether it is a colloidal silver or ionic silver) it won't stain your clothes if you put it in a spray bottle and use it as an underarm deodorant.

I even have some at home for topical use!

Q: Does NutraSilver kill beneficial "good" bacteria?
A:  Regarding NutraSilver killing the good gut bacteria, you don't have to worry. When taken orally, 98% is absorbed in the stomach and 2% in the large intestine, and 0% in the small intestine where the good gut flora reside.

Q: Is NutraSilver safe for pregnant or nursing mothers?
A:  Yes, NutraSilver has no toxicity whatsoever.

Q: Will taking NutraSilver for long periods of time make my skin turn blue?
A:  No. NutraSilver will NOT make your skin turn blue. The silver product to avoid is Silver Proteins, as discussed in the next question.
Due to the high concentration of large silver particles, silver protein products are known to cause argyria, a condition that causes the skin to turn blue-gray.
The US Federal Register listed the silver products that cause argyria as: silver salts, including silver nitrate, silver arsphenamine, silver chloride and possibly silver iodide (all forms of silver proteins).

Q: Isn't a high ppm a bad thing?
Most products claiming to be high concentrations of  colloidal silver (typically in the range of 30 to 20,000 ppm) are in fact silver proteins. AVOID THESE.

When talking about colloidal silver, a high ppm shows the potency of the silver.
Of the three types of colloidal silver, silver protein products have the lowest particle surface area for a given silver concentration, making the silver inaccessible for safe human absorption and less effective for human use. So this is why you want to really do your research as to what really goes in to the product you are going to buy. AVOID Silver Proteins.

NutraSilver is a true colloidal silver, and does not contain any silver proteins. It is perfectly safe and extremely effective at the 3600ppm concentration.

Q: What are the dosage instructions?
A:  If you have a serious health issue such as Morgellons disease, Lyme disease, Candida, or MRSA, click here to view instructions.

If you want to use NutraSilver for overall health, or to help prevent yourself from getting sick, please click here to view the instructions.

Each bottle of NutraSilver contains approximately 600 drops. It comes in a 1-oz size dropper bottle.

Q: How do you purify water with NutraSilver?A: Here are the instructions on how to purify water. (click here)

NutraSilver is 100% silver nano-particles and distilled water. NO ionic silver!

About Me: Hi! I am Rebecca :) I am the owner of Purify Your Body Detox Foot Pads. I love natural health and wellness, and I love to eat real food. :) 

I love my family, and my pets. I actually love all animals -- they are much nicer than most humans! I don't watch TV and haven't watched a movie in the theater for more than 9 months. I would much rather read a book!

I love to garden and make homemade products -- body butter, toothpaste, perfume, cheese, yogurt, etc. It tastes better when it's made from scratch!  Contact me here:

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