

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lead Poisoning

Lead Poisoning
Lead is one of the more dangerous heavy metals to humans. (Others include Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic). The problem is, it is everywhere! We import $366 BILLION of our consumables each year. Other countries don't have as stringent standards (ok, China) and we have had many recent recalls due to contaminated baby formula, toys, pet food, and more. We can't trust that our lives are going to be lead-free. But we can do our best to make sure our bodies are. My detox foot pads have been proven to pull lead from children, and within weeks the symptoms go away. The foot pads also pull other heavy metals out of the body, and work amazingly well with other chelation therapies.

Remember back in high school when you were studying history, the Europeans thought tomatoes were poisonous for the longest time, because whenever they would eat a tomato dish, they would get sick? They blamed the tomatoes. Instead, they later realized that the lead dishes they were eating off of, were the cause of it. Since the acidity level in tomatoes is high, it was leeching the lead from the dishes, and as a result, sickening the people who were eating.

Here is the list of symptoms of lead poisoning from the Mayo Clinic. I am taking it directly off their website because they have phenomenal research capabilities, are trustworthy, and their website seems easier to read for me than WebMD. And, since I lived in MN for 10 years, and was only 2 hours from them, I feel somewhat of a bond!

What is scary about lead, is that initially, lead poisoning can be hard to detect — even people who seem healthy can have high blood levels of lead. Signs and symptoms usually don't appear until dangerous amounts have accumulated.

Symptoms in children
The signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in children may include:
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Sluggishness and fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Learning difficulties
Symptoms in newborns
Babies who are exposed to lead before birth may experience:
  • Learning difficulties
  • Slowed growth
Symptoms in adults
Although children are primarily at risk, lead poisoning is also dangerous for adults. Signs and symptoms in adults may include:
  • High blood pressure
  • Declines in mental functioning
  • Pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities
  • Muscular weakness
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Memory loss
  • Mood disorders
  • Reduced sperm count, abnormal sperm
  • Miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women
Most Common Causes of Lead Poisoning

Lead in paint
The use of lead-based paints for homes, children's toys and household furniture has been banned in the United States since 1978. But lead-based paint is still on walls and woodwork in many older homes and apartments. Most lead poisoning in children results from eating lead-based paint chips.
Water pipes and imported canned goods
Lead pipes, brass plumbing fixtures and copper pipes soldered with lead can release lead particles into tap water. Although lead solder in food cans is banned in the United States, it's still used in some countries.
Other sources of lead exposure
Lead can also sometimes be found in:
  • Soil. Lead particles that settle on the soil from leaded gasoline or paint can last for years. Lead-contaminated soil is still a major problem around highways and in some urban settings.
  • Household dust. Household dust can contain lead from lead paint chips or from contaminated soil brought in from outside.
  • Pottery. Glazes found on some ceramics, china and porcelain can contain lead that may leach into food.
  • Toys. Lead is sometimes found in toys and other products produced abroad.
  • Traditional cosmetics. Kohl is a traditional cosmetic, often used as eyeliner. Testing of various samples of kohl has revealed high levels of lead.
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