

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9 days before my wedding

I am sure many brides have a whole range of emotions a mere 9 days before the wedding. I wonder if some of those thoughts are of the groom, wondering if he is going to get cold feet? Or if all the logistics are going to run smoothly, or about their bridesmaids and groomsmen and wonder if they will do their "jobs" -- who knows. I know that the following things are going through my mind:

1. Whether my family will make it safely here. They will be driving (most of them, my sisters will be flying, but my brothers and parents will be driving from Utah to Minnesota!). My brothers plan on driving straight through, taking turns at the wheel. Of course that gives me a sense of anxiety. My parents are making it a 2-day trip. It is 20 hours one way. I think they plan on driving 12 or 13 hours the first day.

2. Will I be able to be a good host for my family? Will I have enough food, blankets, beds, pillows, hot water, etc. for them? (Seriously, this is a concern for me!)

3. How will my dogs and cat react to having a newborn baby around? My cat should be fine, as she has been around babies before, but my dogs might want to "play" and their type of play (as boxers) is a bit rougher than say, the play of a shitzu. Where will my dogs sleep when Steve and I are at the hotel on our wedding night? (yes, this is another worry for me).

4. Will we get enough sleep, to be well rested? I suppose melatonin will be in order for this issue...

5. Will the snow be gone? Please, say yes!!! And sunny, blue skies, pretty please!

6. Then the worries start to fall onto the more materialistic things... like can I lose a few more pounds before the big day? will my hair turn out alright? will I get pimples from stress? What if the cake falls, what if my dog eats the flowers, what if, what if....

The one thing I am sure about is being married to Steve. And since it is only my family and his family that will be there, I suppose if things don't go perfectly, that is ok. Every family is dysfunctional, right? So having a dysfunctional wedding might just be perfect.

But I still don't see how other women can primp all the time... always getting nails done or hair done, doing facial treatments and whitening teeth. Man, it takes a LOT of time!!! I am so glad I am not high maintenance.

Posted via email from rhauptman's posterous

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