

Monday, April 12, 2010

new batch of detox foot pads has arrived!

I got my latest shipment of detox foot pads from my supplier overseas. While there is a big "taboo" about buying from overseas vs. made in the USA, unfortunately there are no factories that can make the detox foot pads here in the US. But... I make sure the factory is audited, and registered with the FDA. My company is also registered with the FDA. I do have to pay a tad more for that, but it is worth it to me for peace of mind. And, I think it gives my customers peace of mind to know they have a high quality detox foot pad that they are using.

I have to say I have not been wearing the detox foot pads lately -- for at least the past 6 months, I would wear them maybe occasionally on the weekends (once a month?). So I tried this new batch, I do like to make sure it works well... I can attest that it does work well. I do not like to wear them at night on the weeknights because I workout and shower at night before bed, and then get up so early in the morning that I do not have time to wash my feet in the tub... I need to start wearing them AT LEAST every weekend, and on those nights I workout in the sauna, because it pulls toxins out within 3 hours my foot pads are soaking with toxins (and sweat -- but that is another story)

I have found that the adhesives for these detox foot pads, you really don't want to walk around on them too much if you can avoid it, or they are harder to take off. Well, the detox foot pads are easy to take off still, but the adhesive residue is easier left on the feet.

I also got an upgrade to my new silver foil pouches. They look like chrome -- I love them. I choose not to use boxes because they are a waste of space, a waste of trees, and are not environmentally friendly. That is why I just use the pouches. (The boxes would not cost me any more -- it is not a matter of cost as much as it is a desire to help the environment and not cause unnecessary trash and garbage in our landfills.

Have a great day everyone!

Detox Your Body with
Purify Your Body Foot Pads!

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Posted via email from rhauptman's posterous

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